Legal notices
The website CHANTAL BAUDRON is edited by the company CHANTAL BAUDRON S.A.S, a Société par actions simplifiée with a capital of 100 000 € those head office is at 61 BD HAUSSMANN 75008 PARIS, France, listed on the Paris companies register under number 908686298.
Director of publication
The Director of publication is Mrs Chantal Baudron.
Website design and development
Le Nouvel Appartement, Digital agency in Paris
JAO Communication, Agence WordPress in Lyon
Website Host
2 rue Kellermann
The editor is responsible for all of the elements (texts, photographs, videos, hypertext links) on the website https://www.chantalbaudron.fr/. Any illicit content coming from these elements must be reported to the editor and designer in writing at the following email addresses cbsa@chantalbaudron.fr, specifying your name, address and the reasons and justifications for your request.
Graphic Components
We wish to thank Ingrid Mareski for the graphic components.
Author’s Rights
The designer is the sole owner of the author’s rights to his creations on the website https://www.chantalbaudron.fr/ in particular in respect of design, visuals, images and texts drawn up by the designer, under French Law n°92-597 of 1 July 1992 relative to the French Intellectual Property Code. The details of these website creations may be requested from the designer.
Any partial or integral representation or reproduction without the designer’s consent is considered illicit and constitutes an infringement punishable by law.
The same goes for the translation, adaptation or transformation, arrangement or reproduction through any means whatsoever.
The editor is the holder of the author’s rights of the other elements on the website https://www.chantalbaudron.fr/ in application of French Law n°92-597 of 1 July 1992 relative to the French Intellectual Property Code.
Any partial or integral representation or reproduction without the editor’s consent is considered illicit and constitutes an infringement punishable by law.
The same goes for the translation, adaptation or transformation, arrangement or reproduction through any means whatsoever.
Any substantial extractions of the content of the website https://www.chantalbaudron.fr/, through any means whatsoever, are forbidden, in particular through downloading or printing.
However, by mentioning the author’s name and source, copies or reproductions in insignificant amounts for the strictly personal use of the person copying or printing such documents and not destined for collective or public use are admitted.
All author’s rights to the works are reserved. Without due authorisation, the reproduction and use of the works other than their individual or private consultation are forbidden.
Not initiating procedures upon becoming aware of such unauthorised use does not constitute acceptance of such use or waiver of any proceedings.
Contact us
For any information or questions relative to the use of the website, CHANTAL BAUDRON S.A.S. remains at the disposal of the user who may send his request to a dedicated e-mail address: cbsa@chantalbaudron.fr